Sigil Bestiary: The Priest

The holy men of God. The shepherds of man. Wherever you find a society, there you will find a priest. They are as linked to civilisation as the walls of our homes and clothes on our feet. They are cornerstones of the community and may go beyond the mere role of a preacher to act as steward, judge, advisor, mediator and councillor to their flock. They carry immense power and influence over their communities, and thus a good priest will mean a strong and flourishing parish, while a corrupt priest is poison in the people’s veins. Some priests take to the road, carrying the good news to far-flung hamlets and communities

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Sigil Emporium – The One

There can be only one. That is the essence of this cursed blade. There can only ever be one greatest, one that is the best, one that can claim the pole position. In this Game, there is only one winner, one champion. No one knows where the One comes from, or who forged it. Most are not even certain if there is more of the One, as each time it is seen its appearance has changed to reflect its current times. The One itself seems to be an immortal, changing sword whose sole purpose is to pit man against man to determine who is the best. It is a sword of

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Sigil Bestiary: The Djinn

Made of the essences of smoke and fire, the Djinn are often called the mirror-image of humanity. They bear an aetherial body and mortal soul, where we are quite the opposite. They are bound to this world, yet are not made from this world, carrying the aether in their veins. The Djinn are unable to pass from our realm, tied to it as they are with their mortal souls. This has led the Djinn to look on with envy at humanity’s unique ability to pass onto the infinite realm beyond mortal life. This envy has led to a rivalry between the two peoples, and where there is rivalry there is often

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Sigil Emporium – Hide of the Chrysalid Lion

The Chrysalid Lion was an immense beast that terrorised the lands of an ancient archipelago. It was monstrous and fearsome, yet touched with an otherworldly beauty. Its fur looked finer than the purest gold, its claws seemingly carved from obsidian, and its teeth whiter than marble. This embodiment of death and beauty could not be killed by mortal men, and it took the power of a god to wrestle it to the ground and strangle the life from it. Using its own claws to cut through its skin, the god wore the Chrysalid Lion’s pelt as impenetrable armour, with its maned skull forming his helmet. The Hide was given to one

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Sigil Bestiary: The Kobold

These mischievous little sprites can be found nearly everywhere, for those with the right eyes to see, that is. Kobolds do not truly exist within the mortal plane, and are instead creatures of the aether. They dip into our world from time to time to see what the mortal men are up to, experience what the tangible world is like, and perhaps wreak a little havoc. Kobolds are neither malicious nor capricious; the mischief they cause stems from their everchanging and shifting sense of morality, values and ethics, which echo the tumultuous and chaotic landscape of their aetherial home. Their minds are nothing like ours, and so misunderstandings are exceedingly common.

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