Sigil Emporium – Cloak of Feathers

Said to have once belonged to the Queen of the gods and most beautiful woman to have ever graced the mortal realm with her face, the Cloak of Feathers is both a disguise and a means of transportation. When it is worn, the Cloak allows its wearer to transform into a large bird of prey at a whim, granting the wearer the greatest freedom that could ever be known to man: the freedom of flying through the skies. The Cloak does have an intoxicating effect, however. There is no malignant magic to it, but the joy of an eagle or hawk’s existence becomes addictive to the wearer. The longer one stays

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Sigil Bestiary: The Cockatrice

Standing up to half the height of a man, with the head, comb and wattles of a cockerel, the body and legs of a lizard, the wings of a bat, and the tail and forked tongue of a snake, the Cockatrice is an abomination of nature. Cockatrices are hatched from an egg laid by a rooster and incubated by a toad, which thankfully means they are a rare sight in the world. They say the very sight of this horrific creature can stop a man dead in his tracks, but it isn’t its appearance that should frighten the would-be adventurer, but its gaze. The Cockatrice’s gaze can turn a man to

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Sigil Emporium – Orb of Melchior

In ages past Melchior, the great magus of the east, created several seeing stones to observe the grand world around him, and to communicate with the Shahs of the land and his magi apprentices. Over time, as empires rose and fell and Melchior’s successors grew decadent and corrupt, the seeing stones passed from the eastern realm and out of history’s grasp. Every now and then, some sorcerer or wizard claims to have found one of his orbs, but these too pass from history’s sight before it can be verified. Melchior’s Orbs are spheres as black as the abyss as large as a human head. Legends say that each contains the skull

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Sigil Bestiary: The Troll

It is a time-honoured tradition for would-be heroes to go troll hunting. After all, why shouldn’t heroes be the bulwark against these horrid giants? Like their cousins the ogres and orcs, trolls are famous for their desire for human flesh. A troll’s mountainous cave is filled with the bones and remains of all kinds of beasts and men, and what you can see from a troll’s limited intellect, it seems overly proud of its grisly hoard. What makes trolls a fearsome prey to hunt is their renowned ability to heal from even the worst wounds. They don’t have the intellect to use magic, but it is innately in their blood, causing

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Sigil Emporium – The Erlring

The Alderking is an ancient and dark myth about the King of fairies and goblins who rides out to hunt the greatest game of all: man. The lucky ones caught up in the hunt are killed by the Alderking and his minions, but the unlucky few are captured and taken back to his underground demesne, whose screams are heard in the autumn winds. The Alderking’s hounds for his great hunts are vicious werecreatures drafted from his mortal prisoners. The Erlrings, crafted by enslaved cave-dwelling goblins, are simple iron rings with a motif of the Alderking’s antlers, these rings are the Alderking’s collars for his hounds. Very rarely, a werecreature is killed

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